66% of Texas voters want Texas to “peacefully become an independent country” according to a poll by SurveyUSA, a top-rated pollster. 76% of Republican voters and 59% of Democrat voters agreed. The poll of 625 Texans was supported by similar polls of seven other states.
As for how to respond if Texas, California, or Hawaii voted to become independent countries, eight states, except the states in question, were asked. Only 3 to 9 percent of any state think a military attack should be considered for any of these three states. The average was 7 percent for Texas and 6 percent for California or Hawaii. 56% think California and Texas should be allowed independence without penalty, and 59% said the same for Hawaii. The remaining 35% to 38% think that economic sanctions are the strongest penalty that should be considered.

69% of Texas voters who expressed an opinion want Texas to hold a referendum on separating from the US, including 81% of Republicans who expressed an opinion, as well as most Democrats and independents. Yesterday the Republican Party of Texas announced that 90% of its delegates voted to make an independence referendum a part of the Party’s platform.
But already, 60% of Texas voters who expressed an opinion want Texas to set a date to be independent from the US. 70% of Texas Republican adults who expressed an opinion agreed. Half of Texans who favor separation from the US would prefer Texas to be completely independent, except for economic trade agreements and military alliances, and half would prefer that Texas form a federation with other states.
Texas already has an independence movement, the Texas Nationalist Movement, whose website is tnm.me, but this poll shows that support for independence has grown greatly since last year.
Results in Other States
58% of Louisiana Republicans favor “Louisiana peacefully becoming an independent country, along with other conservative states,” as do 50% of Louisianians in general, according to the poll.
The idea of Congress splitting the US into two countries – one country of conservative states, and one country of liberal states – was supported by 50% of Republicans who expressed an opinion in the Southern states.
The full results are shown on SurveyUSA’s website, for Hawaii, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina. [Update: here are New Hampshire’s results and New Hampshire’s summary.]
Yes, States Can Withdraw from the US
The Civil War showed that states can be conquered, but this poll shows that modern Americans are much more respectful of self-determination than their ancestors.
Unfortunately, Texas’ legacy newsrooms have been depleted to the point that they don’t know who to ask about the constitutionality of withdrawing from the Union. The most dependable information comes from experts who have done the most research on the issue. Read the best experts in a passage from a book by Daniel Miller, an article in The American Conservative, and another article.
State Cooperation with Federal Law
Six states were asked this question:
The North Dakota House of Representatives passed a bill to create a process for the state legislature to forbid state government or local government cooperation with federal actions that violate the US Constitution. Would you support or oppose a law like this for your state?
Between 62% and 69% of those who expressed an opinion in each state supported the idea, as did between 71% and 78% of the Republicans of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina and 57% of Hawaii Democrats.

State Defense Forces
Hawaii, Louisiana, and South Carolina were asked this question:
Some states have a state defense force that answers to the governor, not to the president. It serves the state’s needs even when the president sends the state’s National Guard elsewhere. Do you support or oppose the idea of your state imitating Utah’s new law that allows that state’s National Guard to transfer equipment to the state defense force?
Of those who expressed an opinion, 63% were in favor in Louisiana, 56% in South Carolina, and 57% in Hawaii. Of Republicans who expressed an opinion, 71% were in favor in Louisiana and 78% in South Carolina. 57% of Democrats in Hawaii were in favor.
State Bank System
Hawaii was asked:
The federal government can force banks to do what it wants to bank customers because it has control over the system that banks use to transfer money with each other. Do you support or oppose the idea of your state creating a back-up system for transferring funds between banks?
61% of voters who had an opinion supported the idea, as well as 63% of Democrats.
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Republican States Need to be included also. Please do not abandon us to the Tyrrany of Socialist Democrats. Please be merciful and allow each state to vote to join ?M
How about the New SEC Conferance. ? Missouri would make a great buffer state to protect Texas.
Of course. I don’t live in Texas either. The whole point of this website is that when Texas secedes, it will force R states to secede too to avoid being ruled by D presidents forever. R president candidates can’t win without Texas voters.
Can you do some other States?
Sorry, too expensive. We just wanted to see which state would be first to go. But our other articles talk about older polls of various states.
PS. A journalist asked me how the numbers in my press release fit with the raw data reported by SurveyUSA. Here is my response:
Yes, the 66% number is from question 2, from the “Voting by Party” cross tab for voters who said they vote in every election in question 1. https://www.surveyusa.com/client/PollReport.aspx?g=93235179-7a22-454b-ac4d-91b2e5119238
Press releases must be concise to be read and quoted. I struggled with how to CONCISELY describe the categories of people who answered question 1 about voting frequency. Since SurveyUSA polled people in the state who may or not be registered to vote, if someone answered question 1 as “don’t vote regularly” I consider them a non-voter, since they don’t usually vote or never vote or can’t vote, and the people who vote in presidential elections only or in all elections as “voters.” This means that if I want to report the results for “voters,” I have to look at the cross tabs and average together two categories: the people who vote in presidential elections only or in all elections. = (63*0.24+66*0.45) / (1-.31) = 65% That gives me 65% of Texas voters wanting secession in question 2, and I just figured 65 is close enough to 66 because the rest of the paragraph is about all voters. The 59% number comes from a similar calc, averaging the two categories of Democrat voters together (58% and 60%).
For the paragraph below the table, the phrase “who expressed an opinion” means I stripped out the people who answered “not sure” because I find it annoying when a journalist quotes a positive percentage from my press release without including the fact that some of the people were undecided. If the reader is not told about the undecideds, then he will assume the remainder were all opposed. So for question 17, looking at the cross tab and the percentage of respondents in each category,
I calculate the overall support among decided voters as = (50*0.24+61*0.45) / (100*0.69-(24*0.24+12*0.45)) = 68%
and I calculate the support among regular decided voters as = 61 / (100-12)*100 = 69%
Similarly, the 81% number comes from 67*100 / (100-17).