Guest post by Scott Winston Dragland Here is a fact: the United States is no longer a constitutional Republic. The […]
Secession Poll Shows Most Trump Voters and 41% of Biden Voters in Favor
A new poll shows 41% of Biden and 52% of Trump voters at least somewhat agree that it’s time to […]
If they won’t trade with you, then you’re not a part of their nation
Chase Bank, cloud companies, and other corporations are increasingly cancelling customers for their beliefs. Ali Alexander’s domain name was deleted […]
The Left is boiling 50 frogs. It’s time for 30 states to jump out
Published March 2019. 1969 was 50 years ago. If Americans had known then how the hippies would affect America to […]
Many Ruling Classes Have Tolerated a Secession
Edward Erler writes “The New Oligarchs Will Not Tolerate Secession.” King George of Great Britain felt the same way in […]
How shall we respond to governors who close churches?
We are re-living the Japanese-American internment camps Governors are reacting to the Wuhan virus the way the FDR reacted when […]
Partisanship and Divisiveness are Not the Problem
Grievances between different factions in the US are profound. Their goals do not align. Their ideas about how governance can […]
Flee the wrath that is to come on the USA
Habakkuk was disgusted by the unrighteousness of his nation (Hab 1:2-4). God told Habakkuk that He felt the same way, […]
The Primary Enemies of Our Civilization are Activist Federal Judges
Who is most at fault for the state of society? Politicians? Voters? Immigrants? NGO’s? The corporate media? Political donors? In […]
Why the Space for Compromise between Left and Right is Disappearing
Why the new “civil rights” era will not end the same way the first “civil rights” era did: The abolition […]