Deep State Resistance Since I wrote that “Trump’s win isn’t enough – We Need a National Divorce,” we’ve seen three […]
Texas and California poll in favor of a “National Divorce”
This post was completely revised on Oct 10 to reflect a much deeper analysis. We analyzed the state-by-state results of […]
June Poll Shows Secession from the US is a Winning Issue in many Southern States
2/3 of Republicans in the South support Secession It’s time to create secessionist organizations in Louisiana and Alabama. A new […]
Unreported 2017 Reuters Poll Shows States Ready to Secede
JANUARY 16, 2019· In July 2016, more Texans were in favor of Texas secession than opposed! The last poll in […]
Blue States don’t have to be Contiguous
NOVEMBER 1, 2018· An enclave is a territory, or a part of a territory, that is entirely surrounded by the […]
Why Conservatives Are Happy to Let California Secede
SEPTEMBER 23, 2018· (notes from deleted podcast with Red-State Secession and Marcus Ruiz Evans, president of Yes California CALEXIT campaign) […]
Effects of California Secession on the Politics of the US and California
OCTOBER 1, 2018· Our analysis shows that California would become far more Californian politically as a result of CALEXIT (California […]
Why We Favor Peacefully Splitting the USA (Parts 1 and 2)
MARCH 20, 2018 This is the script for our first two videos, which are no longer available. America is under […]