Ask Congress to expel Puerto Rico (PR) from the US. What possible benefit does such a poor, alien territory give […]
How shall we respond to governors who close churches?
We are re-living the Japanese-American internment camps Governors are reacting to the Wuhan virus the way the FDR reacted when […]
Flee the wrath that is to come on the USA
Habakkuk was disgusted by the unrighteousness of his nation (Hab 1:2-4). God told Habakkuk that He felt the same way, […]
Justifying the Assassination of Judges in Middle-Ages Theology
This post consists of excerpts from two sources. Thomas Aquinas is the most influential theologian since Agustine and prior to […]
This is where the 2nd American Revolution might start
I have a question for those of you who truly care about morality. This isn’t a question for those of […]
God chooses men to kill wicked government leaders (a Bible study)
The paternal desire to protect and defend is a God-given desire. Defending sometimes requires violence. Not only does God defend […]
Perverts took over America because our government officials refuse to confront evil
When’s the last time your pastor listed these sins: licentiousness, weak resignation, acquiescence, permissiveness? These are synonyms. According to Romans […]
The Right is recognizing that when ballots don’t count anymore, only bullets are left.
Conservatives Don’t Accept Powerlessness in Shaping America’s Future Conservatives are Doomed Without Secession: As of 2019, every country in western […]
Does Christianity call us to meekly forbear evil, or to courageously use the power at our disposal? A Defense of Secession
When should Christians put down their weapons (their political power) in the interest of unity, and when should they fight […]