Today a Louisiana secession organization was launched, with the publishing of their website. It’s called Free Louisiana. To read their press release, click here. I’m excited about this because the quality and weight of the leadership is very high.
This has already garnered 3 Newsweek articles and articles in The Daily Mail, Idaho Statesman, and The Olympian. I suggest you comment on this Newsweek article because Newsweek comments get a lot of views, and it only takes a minute to register.
If Texas lawmakers balk on independence, Louisiana is the necessary back-up plan to lead the red states out of the Union.
50% of Louisianians already support secession and the state is on international waters & airspace. That’s more than any state except Texas, although Alaska wasn’t polled because it’s too dependent on fedgov.
So I hope Louisianians will register their support at the website of Free Louisiana, and all of us can donate to help grow this organization. A group like this will need to get most of its support from out-of-state because only a small percentage of Louisianians will see these articles. We can’t win like the Left does if our best activists aren’t funded.
By the way, Texas runoff elections went well for candidates who pledged to vote for a referendum on Texas independence. It appears that nine are in safe seats for the November election, or are a senator who doesn’t face an election this year.
State Split News
As of May 2024, the Greater Idaho movement has now won in 13 out of 13 counties of eastern Oregon that have voted on Greater Idaho. So today they issued a public letter to the Governor calling her out for not meeting with them despite saying she would during her campaign in 2022.
The movement to split Illinois has also been ignored by state leaders. This November, two more counties will vote on a non-binding referendum on kicking Chicago out of the state. The two counties are Jersey County and Madison County. Madison is a county of 267,000 which only voted 55% Trump in 2020. It is next to E. St. Louis. This is the first urban or purple or near-purple county to vote on the issue, although two rural townships in the county did vote strongly in favor in November 2022.
So far, of the 26 and a half counties that have voted in Illinois, all have voted in favor. And the average vote is 74% in favor.
If Puerto Rico or DC become a state, downstate Illinois can balance the effect on the Senate, if IL is willing to let these counties go. Southern Illinois has far more people than eastern Oregon. Illinois has twice the population of the average state.
Or a neighboring state, such as Kentucky, could accept these counties by moving the state line with IL permission.
These counties are a drain on IL’s budget, but would not be a drain on Kentucky’s budget (because Kentucky counties don’t pay much income tax either, since their average income is even lower).
The movement captured the imagination of downstate Illinoisans (especially in 2020)
If a national divorce occurs, will locals simply move to a red state, or will they use resistance to force Illinois to cede control over the area? Southern Illinois is near the geographic center of population of the future red-state federation, so it would be nice to not have blue state law and military there. I’m afraid that eastern Oregon will be dominated by western Oregon forces during a national divorce, and I think conservatives there will find it easier to move than to fight.
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