Expel Puerto Rico from the US!

Ask Congress to expel Puerto Rico (PR) from the US. What possible benefit does such a poor, alien territory give us? They don’t even speak our language.

Annexing Greenland makes sense because their resources outweigh the burden of their population of 57k. PR has 3.2M, plus 5.8M on the mainland.

Or at least change Puerto Rico’s status from an incorporated (into the US) territory to unincorporated territory of the US, so they can’t move to our communities & vote in our elections. “Incorporated” means they don’t need visas to travel to US because it’s part of the US.

Citizens of PR in PR don’t even pay federal income tax. Their poverty rate is 43%. Our worst state is 19%.

Puerto Ricans are 3% of US population. Greenland would be 0.017%. Even non-voting territories have an influence on US elections (through donations, volunteering, social media) because who wins matters to them. A poll of Puerto Rico found they prefer Kamala over Trump 10 to 1 (85% to 8%). How are they the same nation as us? They aren’t. They’re a fifth column who serve in our military, FBI, judiciary, DOJ.

Our media taught us that inclusion is good; exclusion is bad. But what does the Bible teach? God divided the citizens of the world into nations at the tower of Babel so that we could find God in separate ways at separate times… rather than being locked into the anti-Christ one-world government that the US seems hell-bent on recreating. The US has instituted a “rules-based order” that makes every nation a vassal of the US, except rogue states it wars against. Dems at the State Dept use the leverage of US power to ensure that our vassals become gay-friendly, feminist, open borders, etc.

The red states of the US must escape this system by helping the Texas Nationalist Movement or Free Louisiana lead the red states out of the Union.

We can still use the Virgin Islands for ports. Fedgov doesn’t even use PR to practice bombing runs anymore. It would be wise to keep the eastern Puerto Rican islands (Culebra and Vieques), adding them to the US Virgin Islands. Then we can use their sea lanes for safe passage through the Carribean’s island chain. They don’t have much population.

No negotiations are necessary, as PR is a possession of the US solely by the authority of US law. Congress can change the law.

Puerto Rico has had multiple referendums on whether to become a US state, keep the status quo, or become independent, but the results are inconclusive. Some of the referendums were boycotted by one side.

Nothing will happen unless Congress acts, but you can support the organizations in the PR independence movement. Realistically, conservatives will never have enough power in Congress to enact sensible policies like this, unless the PR independence movement convinces more Puerto Ricans that the dignity of independence is worth the loss of US federal subsidies and financial benefits. Perhaps the recent re-election of Trump (for the 3rd time now) will help the PR independence movement to accomplish this!

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