Seven more conservative Illinois counties voted in favor of separating from Cook County (Chicago) yesterday in non-binding referendums. This was […]
Seven Counties will Vote on Splitting Illinois
Illinois Separation, the main organization behind the movement to split Illinois into two states, showed surprising strength last week. Friday […]
27 Illinois Counties Have Voted to Split the State
Election results this morning show strong support for the idea of splitting Illinois into two states. Voters approved referendums on […]
24 Illinois Counties Voted to Separate from Chicago
On April 6, Edgar County became the 24th Illinois county to vote in a county referendum to separate itself from […]
Use these suggested emails and email addresses to contact state legislators about moving Illinois state lines
Before reading this, read our update here: Please assist us by forwarding the following emails to the lists of […]
How Red Counties Can Escape Blue States
There are multiple ways to reduce the influence of cities on state politics, even though SCOTUS has ruled against giving […]
How Illinois Counties Can Join a Neighboring State
This proposal is different from secession because it is simply a shift in borders that does not affect the balance […]