Historical examples of ideological National Divorces

Deep State Resistance

Since I wrote that “Trump’s win isn’t enough – We Need a National Divorce,” we’ve seen three of Trump’s decisions blocked by federal judges… judges who would have no influence in a federation of red states. This will escalate, as I predicted, and we may see Trump removed from office by Congressional impeachment after the press has criticized him long enough and something major goes wrong.

The three judicial decisions are:
Blocking Trump’s EO that ended birthright citizenship for illegals

Blocking Trump’s pause on federal grants & loans

Blocking the transfer of a biological man from women’s prison to men’s prison according to Trump’s EO

Blue State Exit?

We can hope that California would lead the blue states out of the Union, but so far we have not seen much interest, money, or volunteers going toward that effort. Last month’s poll of Californians found that they don’t believe that secession is even possible or legal, although 60% think that California would be better off if it were independent. Calexit Now (CALEXIT LLC) has gotten permission to collect signatures to put a question on the 2028 ballot, but it’s pretty clear that the July 2025 to collect 540k signatures makes this impossible without the intervention of a near-billionaire. Questions have been raised about whether the ballot question would survive a court challenge.

I believe that our focus should remain on Texas or Louisiana leading the red states out of the Union.

Historical examples of ideological National Divorces

Regarding ethno-nationalism, civic nationalism, & Christian nationalism, it’s interesting that Flanders opted to partake in the Belgian secession from the Netherlands in 1830, instead of staying with the Dutch, with whom they share a language & culture. They don’t share language and culture with Wallonia, the other province that seceded with Flanders from the Netherlands to form Belgium. The reason, evidently, is that Flanders is Catholic but the Dutch are Protestant. Religion was more important in 1831 than it is now.

I predict that when the US splits, the split lines will fall along the boundaries between between the “red” states & blue states (or counties) because what will be at stake is what kind of government different Americans want, and they’ve already formed teams based on GOP vs Dem for governance.

But red states & blue states want different things from government, not just because of political philosophy itself, but because of worldview, which has religious foundations.

The split will not follow the boundaries of cultural maps of the US, but rather presidential votes!

The lines that were chosen when Belgium seceded is a precedent for the kind of non-ethnic National Divorce I predict for the US.

Examples like N/S Korea or N/S Vietnam don’t really count because of foreign interference and war. A better example would be Taiwan from China, or the US from the UK, or the Croats from Serbs (similar culture, different religion), etc.

Now, as the Flemish and the Dutch become secularized, Flemish cultural and linguistic bonds to the Dutch become more important than their religious differences from them.

In the US, both parties were deferential to Christianity until a couple decades ago, when the Dems discovered that their coalition was big enough that they didn’t need normal Americans anymore to win elections.

Now, the difference between red and blue tribes grows as the blue tribe becomes increasing anti-Christ.

Cultural and ethnic differences between red states will be accommodated by making their federation a loose federation where people need a state’s permission to live there, as each state will have its own citizenship. Each red state will make its own domestic policies, free of interference from DC judges or the old Constitution.

The voluntary migration in both directions during secession will leave states more homogenous ethnically, religiously, and ideologically. Plus, the right to move to a blue state will mean a never-ending trickle of libtards emigrating from red states.

By the way, 4 days ago N-VA, a party that works for Flanders to be autonomous or possibly independent of Belgium agreed on a coalition of parties to rule Belgium, with the N-VA leader as PM. They excluded the anti-immigration, anti-EU Vlaams Belang, the true secessionist party, from the coalition, colluding with Walloon socialists instead, even though Vlaams Belang won an impressive 2nd-place (almost 1st place) in the election.

Other examples of National Divorces not primarily motivated by ethnicity/language, all peaceful, are:

  • Vermont secession from NY/US 1777
  • Iceland from Denmark
  • Canada, Newfoundland, Australia, NZ, and South Africa from UK
  • Syria from United Arab Republic
  • Belarus from USSR
  • Venezuela & Ecuador from Columbia
  • The break up of the Federal Republic of Central America (1823-1841)

Additionally, many Hispanic, Arabic, or German-speaking states, kingdoms, or empires had National Divorces at various times, as we can see from this list of languages by the number of countries where they are used as a primary language, according to Grok:

  1. English – Used as a primary language in about 59 countries. This includes countries where English is the official language or the de facto national language.
  2. French – Primary in around 29 countries. French is an official language in many former French colonies and in some international organizations.
  3. Arabic – Acts as the primary language in approximately 25 countries, particularly across the Middle East and North Africa where it is an official language.
  4. Spanish – Primary in 20 to 21 countries, encompassing most of Latin America, Spain, and Equatorial Guinea.
  5. Portuguese – Used as a primary language in 9 to 10 countries, including Portugal, Brazil, and several African nations.
  6. German – Primary in 6 countries, which includes Germany, Austria, Switzerland (alongside other languages), Belgium (in specific regions), Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg (as one of three official languages).
  7. Swahili (Kiswahili) – Primary in 5 countries in East Africa, notably Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi as one of their official languages.
  8. Russian – Acts as a primary language in 4 to 8 countries, including Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. The exact number can vary based on whether you count countries where Russian has significant use but not necessarily official status.
  9. Italian – Primary in 4 countries: Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, and parts of Switzerland.
  10. Dutch – Used as a primary language in 3 countries: the Netherlands, Belgium (Flanders), and Suriname.
  11. Tamil – Primary in 3 countries: Sri Lanka, Singapore, and India (specifically in the state of Tamil Nadu).
  12. Persian (Farsi) – Primary in 3 countries: Iran, Afghanistan (as Dari), and Tajikistan (as Tajik).
  13. Hindi-Urdu – While Hindi is the primary language in India (one of many official languages), Urdu is primary in Pakistan. Together, they are considered primary in 3 countries if counting them as a single linguistic continuum.

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