Texas can unilaterally initiate a National Divorce soon, leading the rest of the red states out of the Union. With your help, the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM) will likely be able to get the signatures necessary to get a nonbinding advisory question about Texas independence onto the official March 2024 Texas ballot for both the Republican and Democrat primaries. The Texas Libertarian Party has already endorsed the idea if I remember rightly, so this just leaves out independents.
Texas likely voters are already 66% in favor according to a top-rated pollster. A strong majority of Republicans were in favor in this poll, and even a majority of likely Democrat voters were. However, if we do get it on the Dem ballot, we’ll need to fund a strong campaign to get a yes vote there.
This is the same poll that proved that Texas is the only state to focus on for initiating the red-state secession movement.
I know this may be shocking news. But TNM researched Texas law and found that even online signatures are acceptable. If 100k valid Republican Party signatures are gathered, the question is legally required to appear on the government’s Republican primary ballot statewide! And only 50k signatures are required for the Democrat Party ballot.
We can do this! It’s finally time to get used to winning and making history! No matter where you live, let’s do some serious big-dollar fundraising and signature collection and let everyone know! If you are Texan, sign the new petition online now. Use social media to ask your followers to sign it. You can repost social media posts on the topic. Our social media is here.
Of course, this vote will not force Texas government to follow through on anything. This is why it’s so important to use this same March 2024 primary to replace weak state legislature candidates with those who will sign a pledge to follow through. Texans should be recruiting candidates now to run against candidates who won’t take this pledge. And planning to help viable such candidates. Donations should be sent to TNM though, so TNM can put it toward the most pressing needs.
In an hour-long YouTube announcement, TNM explained four other projects for this year that support and extend this campaign. You can also read about these new ways you can help here: https://tnm.me/campaigns/ Most of these tasks only take a few minutes! There’s also a podcast episode version of the YouTube announcement.
I hope you, like me, will plan to schedule significant time this year for working on these Texas campaigns. If we can focus enough resources, we can achieve a huge victory. This number is within reach. Don’t be distracted by lesser things. Put this on your to-do list and get started!
Please leave quickly
Texas would be just fine, it’s a large state with a lot of resources. I just might pull up stakes and move there if it appears that secession is going to occur.