Saskatchewan and Alberta would be good additions to the US and to a federation of red states. Saskatchewan’s per capita […]
Trump’s win isn’t enough – We Need a National Divorce
The National Divorce movements will grow – they’re not on hold Obviously, the secession movement would have been kicked into […]
Will Louisiana lead the red states out of the Union?
I’d never realized how realistic is the idea of Louisiana leading the secession movement until today. I learned that the […]
The Governor of Texas is rejecting federal authority in Texas
Texas is violating federal law, to resist invasion at the border! Texas is using State Police and National Guardsmen to […]
Texas independence [would have been] on the Texas ballot
The Texas Nationalist Movement announced today that it has gathered 102,000 signatures – enough signatures to, according to Texas law, […]
Here’s your last chance to help make a National Divorce happen
This is our latest substack post. You can get each issue free by email if you subscribe here. In this […]
Texas will likely vote on secession March 2024
Texas can unilaterally initiate a National Divorce soon, leading the rest of the red states out of the Union. With […]
Poll Proves Texas Independence is the only path for American Conservatives
We commissioned expensive polls of eight states and we discovered that Texas should be the focus for “national divorce” or […]
Poll: 66% of Texas voters want to secede. Only 7% of Americans say attack if they do.
66% of Texas voters want Texas to “peacefully become an independent country” according to a poll by SurveyUSA, a top-rated […]
The secession of 1776 was not motivated by “rights” as much as by fear
If secessionists learn the truth about how our forefathers inspired the glorious American secessions of 1776 and 1861, we will […]