Next Steps for the Downstate Illinois Secession movement

[update: Ask your Indiana or Illinois legislator to contact Indiana House Speaker Todd Huston to find out how he can help. Illinois needs to introduce and pass a bill to match his bill HB 1008 Or ask your Kentucky or Missouri legislator to pass a similar bill.]

An Illinoisan wrote to me asking about the suggestion I’ve been giving for the last 2 years: to find an Illinois legislator willing to contact the Kentucky legislator who was willing to work on moving the Illinois/Kentucky state line. Here’s my response:

I just checked and Sen. Ralph Alvarado resigned from the Senate a couple weeks ago to become state health commissioner. He was the one who insisted that we get a IL state rep to contact him. In my experience in other states, this is not a common demand.

Now that he’s resigned, I think we should just change strategy. It’s time to ask state reps in Indiana, Kentucky, and Missouri to consider passing a resolution in their state legislatures inviting Illinois legislators. If you find one to do this, they probably won’t ask you to get an IL rep to contact them. We already proved that downstate Illinois wants out, when 27 counties voted for it.

A couple years ago I emailed them all and got a couple interested replies from these two freshmen Missouri reps.
MO Rep. Kurtis Gregory
MO Rep. Chris Sander
I think they were re-elected in November. Also there were a lot of new reps and senators elected in November who never got that old email of mine.

I suggest you try contacting every state legislator in Missouri, Indiana, and Kentucky. Time is ticking because most states’ legislative sessions only last a few months at the start of each year.

Here’s the email I wrote a couple years ago, before the number of counties that have voted in favor had increased to 27:

Thank you for your commitment to your people. Sorry I don’t have time to devote to this.

I’ve copied [Mr. E] on this email, who is starting to take an interest in organizing this effort. Let both of us know what you find as you reach out to these state legislators.


5 thoughts on “Next Steps for the Downstate Illinois Secession movement

  1. It is real simple. All the county has to do is direct its taxes to the state it would like to join and then show up with its representatives at that state’s next Congressional meeting. Then they just thumb their nose at the state they are leaving.

  2. Is there a county by county breakdown?
    I would be interested in the western two or three rows of counties going to Iowa.

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