Current status of secession movements in the US

UPDATE: you’ll get a much more current view of the status in our 2022 article here:

Secession movements in the US have very few volunteers. 

Texas has the most mature organization by far, the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM). TNM is disciplined to remain a politically palatable movement, especially among centrists, Republicans, and Libertarians.  Surprisingly, secession is also popular among Latinos and Democrats in Texas, but there is no organization serving these demographics.  Polling has shown that sometimes the majority of Texans are in favor of secession. 

Of course, Texas is currently a purple state, as any US citizen resident in the state may vote in the state, as long as Texas is subject to US law. It’s unclear whether the right wing would have the power to change suffrage laws or restrict Texan citizenship after secession. Texan conservatives complain about their RINO government, which is a problem in most red states.  Most red states are governed by RINOs because currently, state governments don’t have much power in the federal system, and therefore attract little attention from conservative political activists or from the voters themselves.

Texas itself would be very conservative if it split from southern Texas, but unfortunately Texas nationalism is a very potent force, and it’s rare to find a Texan conservative willing to consider splitting the state.  But Texas’s entry to the US was on the condition that it would be free to split into multiple states without Congressional approval.

East Texas and western Louisiana is a vast swath of extremely conservative counties with access to international waters.  If state secession gets blocked, this area might be the place to try county secession of a group of counties from the US. 

If you’re interested in supporting a secession movement with the potential to be successful within the next 2 or 3 years, TNM is your best shot.

If you’re willing to be more patient than that, the “greater Idaho” movement might be your best bet. This movement has already been on the ballot in 4 counties, and was approved by voters in two. Currently, the goal is merely to give Idaho access to international waters and airspace by moving the Oregon/Idaho border to the Pacific Ocean.  But once this goal is achieved, it’s easy to see that this puts Idaho in a better position to secede if it chooses to do so. The organization that supports this movement is called Move Oregon’s Border.  You can help the organization by collecting signatures to put a question on a county ballot in any of twelve counties.

The Alaska Independence Party tried to put secession on the statewide ballot several years ago, but the state supreme court blocked them. Since then, it’s only now come back from a loss of leadership. But it has stated that it will not be focused on secession. It’s an important third party in state politics. Along with Texas, Alaska is the other state where polling has shown a majority of voters in favor of secession.  It’s unlikely the federal government would be willing to gift federal lands to the state of Alaska though.

League of the South is a secessionist movement for The South. It doesn’t appeal to a broad section of today’s electorate because it’s neo-confederate. The Florida branch of the movement is active. The magazine of LoS may be worth your time.

Unfortunately, every single state that is not land-locked has problems holding it back from seceding. Texas is becoming a purple state.  If it is no longer perceived as a red state when it finally secedes, it can’t expect to get a large influx of conservatives or a large outflux of liberals.  Louisiana straddles the river system that services most of the USA, which is the kind of strategic importance that a federal government can’t afford to give up.  Alaska is also strategically important because it has vast amounts of federally-owned oil fields. Alabama and Mississippi give much less to the federal government than they get back.  Florida has a lot of retirees who don’t realize that a seceding state can pay social security just as well as the USA because the USA doesn’t have social security savings either.  Besides, Florida is a purple state, as is Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, New Hampshire, and Maine.  States along the Canada border are land-locked because Canada can’t afford to defy its ally, the US, when the US tries to apply pressure on a state. South Carolina is dependent on federal military spending.

Any of these states might be a fruitful place to begin political activism.  Alabama has a history of defying the federal government. I’m surprised it no one has started a group like TNM for Alabama yet. If you’d like to assist an existing organization, the best bet may be the first two mentioned above.

Or perhaps the best course of action is to popularize the idea of splitting all red states from all blue states at once. Or organizing a group of landlocked states plus one coastal state (such as Alabama or Louisiana) to secede from the US as a group. For example, a state legislature or state ballot initiative could make independence contingent on legislatures of certain other states passing a secession law. The independence date would be some months after each of the states had passed such a law.

As for blue-state secession, polling in California was good after the election of Trump, but turned strongly against secession when it became clear that Trump was obeying the federal judges who blocked his every move.  Hawaii and Delaware poll strongly on secession, especially Hawaii. But Hawaii’s secession movement is politically self-defeating because it only embraces ethnic Hawaiians.

Polling for each state on secession is here.

Black nationalism is alive and well, as seen in NFAC’s recent comments. But blacks tend to spread out to get jobs created by other races, so they don’t tend to create cities that have strong majorities of their own race. If suburbs and metro areas are included, not even Detroit or Cleveland are majority black. Washington DC recently became minority black again. And Liberia is not a popular destination.

Secessionism in the US is hamstrung by a lack of funding and volunteers. Achievement of the final goal felt too far off until the political situation became so extreme. Now the US faces the threat of imminent mass political violence. There’s a massive pressure to find an escape from the federal system, but not much groundwork has been prepared to make a pathway for splitting the US. If conservatives had focused on building state secession movements, and replacing opposed state politicians with favorable state politicians, we might be in a different position.

Advocating for the splitting of an empire of 336 million people is a daunting task. Most people don’t know where to start. One way to get free news coverage may be to put the topic on county ballots in counties that allow county referendums. In some counties, this can happen either by convincing county commissioners (county supervisors) to put it on the ballot, or by collecting enough signatures on an official petition to force the question onto the ballot. Although in many counties the next election is far away, just the activity of putting it on the ballot forces a conversation. Move Oregon’s Border gained press coverage on Fox News, Glenn Beck, and reached the ears of governors through the simple task of trying to get on county ballots.

The best candidates for locations to begin a county secession movement, in addition to eastern Texas and southwestern Louisiana, mentioned above, are southern Alabama, southeastern Mississippi, and the Florida Panhandle (although this might be controversial among Republicans in Florida since the Republican Party can’t afford to lose voters since it is a swing state).

A county secession question should include the idea of postponing the secession date until an adequate number of counties have approved similar ballot questions, and the group of counties has access to international waters.

33 thoughts on “Current status of secession movements in the US

  1. What an interesting, well-written article…

    BTW, there’s also a NHExit (New Hampshire) seceder movement…

    Also, South Carolina has a secessionist party group on Facebook.

    1. Honestly, most patriots don’t use FB anymore. People wanting to connect with true patriots should use gab. I’m blocked from FB and I won’t go back to using it for any reason. When you get a group on Gab, come find us. We’re out there.

  2. Thanks for the interesting a thorough report. I’d like to remark on three points: Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and California.

    I think the Feds would be extremely reluctant to let Hawaii go, but i think the native Hawaiians have a very strong moral case that that’s their land, and they should be sovereign over it. That may just not cut it, given the huge number of outsiders living there (Japanese, Chinese, and heritage Americans), but they really should have their own country to rule as they see fit.

    I think a similar case can be made for Puerto Rico.

    Now regarding California, there are 3 movements that i’m aware of, the California National Party, which seeks independence; the New California State project, organized by prolific radio broadcaster Paul Preston and seeks a new state composed of the rural counties; and the State of Jefferson, an older movement to form a new state from southern Oregon and northern California. (URLs: )

    If any of these gain traction it is useful; even the movements to break away from a state can plant a seed. I wouldn’t write off Paul Preston. They seem to have a busy agenda, and have been at it for a few years. They also have some good ideas, like the return of little federalism to the states. (Until the Warren court, many states had effective bicameral legislatures with an upper chamber something like the US Senate: not done on a one-man-per-vote basis but on a one-county-per-vote principle. The US Supreme Court stopped this practice in 1964 in Reynolds vs. Sims. New California State would try to recreate the scheme, because the changing composition of the Court might result in overturning the 1964 decision. That would be good news all around for people wanting limited government.)

    I don’t want to be too verbose about all of this, but it’s just possible that some deal might be struck — CA needs a lot of money, and it has a lot of land, and that land could be a lot more friendly (to say an electric car maker) if the land were under new management.

    And any win anywhere for any secession of any form will help everybody else out.

  3. Im willing to do ANYTHING to preserve
    Our faith , family, GOD and guns.Biden and his bunch are very scary.I will volunteer, door to door. Why dont we have our own Rep ineach state? I would love more info
    God Bless
    Robin Vickers

    1. I think you should follow your passion. In fact, I think all Blue states should secede from the US and call itself BlueUS. The remaining states would be RedUS. We could share a common army and have trade agreements, but other than that BlueUS would elect a president for one six year term while Red US would install Trump as dictator for life and he would appoint his own successor. RedUS would have open access to guns, which seems to be very important to them. They are known in a derogatory was as “ammosexuals,” but if they are willing to murder 8 year old children, then it’s clear that gun ownership is at the top of their list of freedoms. . You just have to accept the tradeoff, i.e. the death of thousands of children for the freedom of unfettered gun ownership. BlueUS would give women control over their own bodies while RedUS woul give the government control over women’s bodies. RedUS would get rid of Medicare and Social Security, making the individual responsible for his/her medical bills. This would lower taxes but during a recession would be very dangerous. BlueUS would have the right to impose fines on RedUS if Red US’s pollution “freedom” inflicted harm on BlueUS. RedUS could ban books which is good for school boards but their children would fall behind academically in the world where other countries allow free access to books. But you’d have your religion. Finances would be controlled in Blue and Red US separately, so RedUS could no longer benefit from all the money it gets from BlueUS, but I’m sure you’d find your own way. I think this is a good solution and stops people like you from screaming and hating everyone so much. You could spend your time doing more productive things. It’s a good solution which is gaining a lot of traction. We would still be “neigbors” but we’d be governed very, very differently. It’s a “win/win” situation. We’re falling apart as a single country and this would provide some relief.

      1. Well, sharing a military between BlueUS and RedUS would defeat one of the primary benefits of secession and partition: making imperialist wars much harder to wage.

        Having two (or more) separate nations makes it more than twice as hard to wage war in (e.g.) the Middle East, because the potential warmonger have to subvert two governments, at the same time.

        Otherwise, i think you make a lot of good points.

        One further advantage is that in states like California, where the population really wants single-payer health care, the Democrats could no longer blame the Republicans for not delivering.

        For anybody in California, the party pushing for secession is the California National Party

  4. There is a secessionist movement in southern Tennessee formed in the wake of the election fraud. United Communities of America (UCA). The organization is incorporated and is focused on county and regional conservative government and judicial control. Their site is unitedcommunitiesofamerica (dotcom).

    1. I’m a progressive Democrat and I think that the secessionist movement in Tennessee is a great idea. We’re so far past being a “united” states that something has to be done; we break up into two countries, share an army and have trade agreements, but other than that have nothing to do with each other because we really don’t have anything in common. I wish UCA good luck and success. These movements are gaining traction in lots of states, both blue and red. It’s the only path forward.

    1. Alex, looks like one such movement is

      Mike probably has more info.

      Another outfit that i believe is headquartered in Florida is the Sovereign American Project

      It would be good — i think — to get a list of all the active movements in Texas and Florida. (I guess if we get a list, our enemies also will have it. And they might just be incompetent enough not to have it otherwise. On the other hand, the messages that we craft should be absolutely legal and peaceful, but of course leading to our goal of self-determination.)

    2. I agree that Florida should secede. I live in New Jersey and I have nothing in common with Floridians. So let’s, as they say, agree to disagree and go our separate ways. Good luck finding the right group and I hope you succeed.

  5. If we can get the various and growing Secession movements to Coalesce and organize, it might become a mainstream movement. We are working on that in Florida and will be reaching out at some point.

    Many view secession as possible for red contiguous counties (most of America’s land mass) leaving blue metropolitan areas somewhat isolated. The Eastern coastal corridor from Virginia to Southern Maine is densely blue and contiguous. Inland areas are red. A government sponsored land swap of equal value residences without transfer costs could help people from opposite allegiance move to be with their own.

    Bottom line: we need to move rather quickly or we smothered by a tyrranical state.

    1. Agree! I talk to whoever I can about this. What can we do to get this going? Is contacting our local legislators/governor the first step forward?

      1. Hi Jelliebean,

        Did you get in touch with the Florida Secede organization?

        They seem like nice people, and probably know the best steps for people in Florida. There is, though, this other organization headquartered in Florida:

        I think the Sovereign America people might be more metapolitical than political, but both are important.

        One question is are there any state or county officials in Florida who are already floating secession. Those are guys we should try to support, imvho — anybody who is a sort of Kyle Biedermann of Florida. (Are there any Biedermann types anywhere besides Texas?)

  6. Even secession from existing states that increased the number of U.S. Senators would help. The State of Eastern California would add two Republican Senators to counterbalance California’s Democrats. Ditto with Eastern Washington.

  7. Texas isn’t so purple anymore and even if it was like you said a large number of Democrats, Republicans and Libertarians support our movement.

  8. It is quickly becoming critical to divorce our connection to the fed to maintain the rights (limits 9n government) outlined in the Bill of Rights.

  9. As a Californian I would be glad to see the red states secede. That way they could ban abortion, marginalize gay people, have their kids come to school with AR-15s and maybe reconsider indentured servitude. Best of all, we Californians would not have to subsidize them as we do now, and we would not have to have major decisions made for by political hacks from Kentucky and West Virginia. Bring it on!

    1. Hi Chris,

      There’s something you can do to help make this divorce happen.

      Check out the California National Party.

      Besides an amicable divorce, it supports the things most Californians want, such as single payer health care.

      And, unlike the California Democratic Party, they are serious about what they stand for. They are not angling for power and higher positions and bribes in Washington DC, but rather, to let California go its own way, peacefully. They’ll never sell out to big pharma like the Democrats do.

      Check it out!

  10. In any state with multiple secession organizations, these groups should merge. If they don’t want to lose their individual status, they could form a coalition. Whatever they do, though, they need to join forces. A balkanized movement is a less effective movement. They need to combine resources, which could lead to increased support and membership, possibly more attention from the media. Join forces, people.

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